Friday, December 08, 2006

星期六下午去咗廣華街新店, 睇吓啲Hyperion產品...

間鋪空間好大, 貨品唔太多, 不過啲機種就好少見...

終於見到Dream摩打之一 - Hyperion HP-Z2213-20 1025KV...

日本Hokusei Model啲1m電機一係用AXI 2212/20, 一係就用Hyperion HP-Z2213-20...
佢啲機基本上係Standard Setting, Hyperion 1500mAh 20-30C電(118g), 10x4.7SF槳...

我以前已經想試呢隻摩打, 不過喺香港無得賣, 要訂...

依家Sky-Tech Hobby話自己係香港代理, 其他Hyperion產品都可以訂到...

不過店員就有啲老點加吹水, 我問其中一個店員, 個摩打軸係幾多, 三個店員異口同聲話3.12mm, 其中一個更話3.12mm係Standard喎, 後來番屋企上網Check番, 實際上係3mm, 好彩無買到個槳夾...

我又問佢究竟Hyperion係邊度嘅牌子, 佢答我係日本牌子, 依家進駐香港, 準備打入中國大陸市場云云...
房仔上次問佢哋同樣問題, 佢哋答係韓國牌子...
不過我上網揾過資料, 唔記得係邊度睇過, 其實係韓國牌子...

我對此店印象麻麻, 不過係得佢有Hyperion, 無得揀...

係屋企試過隻Hyperion Z2213-20, 跟番日本仔用10x4.7SF, Full雞21A, 比日本測試21-22A差唔多...
因為我個轉數錶好難用, 所以無度到轉速, 計唔到Static Thrust...
憑感覺, 推力應該有番咁上下...
遲啲要整過推力計, 唔駛段估...


bronney said...

After purchasing twice from US, I noticed that stores in HK are not the only choice. So far only Albert is the good one. All the other are either inch, or not knowledgable enough to help. Albert is crazy good, very patient with newbie like me.

That's why if the store turns out to be stupid, I would rather order online from US. Or even direct from Korea. Last time I order from US, ARF, big box $23.95 USD EMS shipping, arrive within 3 days. Small box $18 USD only, 3 days. Air parcel, 8 days $10.

Time wasted at bad store is more than $80 HKD la gwa. + $20 cross harbor.

Ordering online is not so bad. + We got Albert already hehe.

Anonymous said...

如同redcon 2815/1050kv係同重量的摩打比較...真係要度左先知....真係唔知邊個勁d...但redcon先win左個價錢先...

Anonymous said...

剛試左喇...hyperion VS redcon
9X7.5E 連p51 spinner
hy 17.5A,7500RPM
red 15.5A,7200RPM

